"As a community leader and a business woman in Lebanon County, I will continue to deliver results that improve the lives of our citizens"
Delivering Results
In Public Spaces
"safeguarding our resources"
I will empower those who restore public spaces and protect the public investments have been made in places that bring people together for work or recreation. This will be done by listening to our citizens, assessing needs, and considering proposals that maximize our resources, skills and talent.
With Professional Integrity
"Accountability delivering social services and building businesses"
I will provide financial oversight to ensure public funds reach our people. I will analyze data, review contracts and ensure that funds are properly directed to deliver the services and goods our citizens need. I will provide support to professionals and personel used to deliver these goods and services to strengthen the relationships between the businesses and community. This will result in the county retaining talent and skills.
For Lebanon County
"improving the quality of life for our citizens"
I will listen to our citizens and observe the systems that are in place, resesarch best practices, and act constructively to improve areas of concern. Nearly 25% of our population are minors, and another 20% are over 65 years, accounting for nearly half of the population who needs safe and affordable environments so kids can learn and grow as well as adequate and affordable care for our elderly. My goal is to be aware of needs across the lifespan in order to implement community interventions that prevent adversity and protect the mental and physical wellness of our citizens.
Through Fiscal Responsbility
"ensuring funds reach the community"
The County Commissioners connect state funds to our citizens, ensuring supplies and funds channel to the people, timely and efficiently as possible, while maintaining the integrity of the process. As Commissioner, I would responsibly manage the finances, and seek out state funds to channel to programs that meet the needs of our people.